Alice Robertson

Alice Robertson

Driven, Witty, Consummate organizer of kids, Even the grown-up ones.


At a young age, Alice revealed an aptitude for multitasking and level headedness.


Voted as high school house captain, Alice managed school activities for the younger students. At home,  where Alice is the youngest of 6, she was regarded by her parents as the peacekeeper.


Her ability to multitask came to the fore once again at UTS, where Alice majored in Marketing and Business Law. While studying, she interned at M&C Saatchi and the projects*, was selected as Youth Ambassador for Commonwealth Bank, Timetable Exchange and ASOS, and worked with CBRE.


During her second year at university, Alice’s high marks enabled her to spend a semester abroad at the University of Westminster in London. The experience fed her natural curiosity, a trait she still exhibits today.


Alice is not afraid to ask questions, even tough ones. Good thing she’s such a talented peacemaker.